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Every study Taylor has undertaken in the past forty years is interconnected and reflects her commitment to culturally relevant research grounded in the everyday lives of families and communities. Her research encourages local contextualized changes that are historically and politically situated, and she has had a global impact in raising awareness of the systemic complexity of language, literacy and learning in diverse family and community settings throughout the world.


Family Literacy Provides an Effective Response to the U.N. SDGs and Peacebuilding Architecture

This paper is grounded in: 1) forty years of successful family literacy initiatives undertaken by U.N. Member States, NGOs, and academia; 2) a meta-analysis of these initiatives that has identified connections between the U.N. Peacebuilding Architecture and the global impact of family literacy on peacebuilding and the SDGs. The concept of “family literacy” originates in my 1970s research and is supported by four decades of peer-reviewed family literacy research. The concept is grounded in the recognition that the family is the originating and only organizing principle that all people share, and that all other divisions are secondary.


U.N. 2018 HLPF Sustainable Development Goals Peer Review Report

[U.N. 2018 HLPF DOC 1. v.1 2018] This comparative analysis of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals is based on: 1) ethnographic observation and documentation of the U.N. 2018 HLPF; 2) participation in events during the U.N. General Assembly; 3) attendance at planning meetings for the HLPF and UNGA; and 4) a sociolinguistic analysis of the extensive documentation pertaining to the SDGs and the HLPF, including email communications, website presentations, official reports and papers, scientific research studies, and media coverage and commentary.


Organizing Principles for Human Activity in Earth Systems Research

This presentation draws on transdisciplinary research conducted through the International Center for Everybody’s Child at Hofstra University. The research focuses on the increasing exposure of children worldwide to catastrophic events, armed conflict, extreme poverty and public health emergencies.


Why Public School Policy Makers Should Be Tackling Climate Change For Our Children

By establishing a common purpose for the education of children in K-12 public schools, the possibility exists that parents and teachers can create opportunities for children to form deep connections with the life forces of Earth, and also establish the conditions for a rapid rethinking of these connections that will cascade through society, uniting the people around the world who are also struggling to establish strategies for survival even if their governments are not.


The Impact of Global Environmental Change on the Health, Well-Being and Academic Development of Children

Given the world wide life threatening deterioration of the circumstances in which children are expected to live their lives, it could be argued that the greatest advancement human beings could make in the 21st century is to ensure the survival of their children.


Transdisciplinary Research on the Human Impact on Global Earth Systems

On June 22, 2010 at UNESCO in Paris, the International Council for Science (ICSU) called for scientists to reform their own structure. Johan Rockström stated, “We have put ourselves in this position. There have been great advances in science. As scientists it is fundamental that we move towards institutional frameworks to support research for a more sustainable world.” He talked of “something profound and new: and of an “historic opportunity.”


Planet Under Pressure

At the present time we are not well prepared for extreme weather events, for global economic instability, for the impact of food and water shortages, for public health emergencies, for industrial disasters, for natural disasters, or for the social and political unrest and armed conflict that is often associated with these extreme conditions. The increasing scale and intensity of these complexly interrelated disasters challenges our capacity to adequately respond. Four poster-sized PDF downloads: “Integrating The Social Sciences And Humanities In Earth System Science”; “Unpackaging Human Enterprise And Communicating With The Public”; “The Great Acceleration: The Anthopocene, Kicks, Dead Zones And Bridging The Abyss'“; and “When The Temperature Rises More Than 2 ⁰C What Will We Do?”


Teachers as First Responders in the Aftermath of Catastrophic Events

To reestablish schools after a catastrophic event, as learning environments that care for the health and well-being of children, as well as their academic development, there is much that can be done before such events take place. If children are to be prepared for life’s uncertainties, including catastrophes, both large and small, they will need much more than the current unhealthy practices now prevalent in our schools to prepare children for so many tests.


From Family Literacy to Earth System Science. A 40 Year Research Retrospective

The concept of “family literacy” originated in the doctoral research of Denny Taylor. Recently colleagues and students have nominated her for several research awards in recognition of her lifetime commitment to transdisciplinary family literacy scholarship and fieldwork with families living in urban and rural poverty in the U.S., and in regions of armed conflict and catastrophic events around the world. This document was constructed to support one of the awards for which she has been nominated.


U.N. HLPF 2019 & the Family Literacy Declaration of Principles

It is a moral imperative and an ethical responsibility that the U.N. work closely with NGOs and civil society to ensure global, regional and local initiatives that create safe, resilient and sustainable local communities, to foster greater involvement and local participation, and by so doing, make every effort to reclaim the human rights of families – especially women and children who are trying to cope with abusive circumstances in their struggle to survive.


U.N. Family Literacy and the Future of Humanity

Fostering a focused discourse on the mitigation of global catastrophic risks will require hearts and minds united in compassion, empathy and trust at the species level to take on the daunting challenge of safeguarding families, their communities, and their countries to ensure the survival of humanity. 


Family Literacy and U.N. Peacebuilding Architecture

A Family Literacy Global Peace Initiative is a first principle ethical macrostrategy that provides opportunities for UN Member States to change the dominant narrative, and to use actionable knowledge gained from forty years of family literacy research and initiatives to reduce the risks that are threatening all human societies. 


How Family Literacy in U.N. Member States Has Become A Conduit for Sustaining Peace

Family literacy is at the heart of many global peace initiatives and, given that human rights, environmental sustainability and conflict prevention are inextricably linked, it makes eminent sense to locate peacebuilding efforts in family settings to ameliorate the often violent circumstances in which families live their everyday lives.